
Iterate a range of char, wchar, or dchars by code unit.

The purpose is to bypass the special case decoding that std.range.primitives.front does to character arrays. As a result, using ranges with byCodeUnit can be nothrow while std.range.primitives.front throws when it encounters invalid Unicode sequences.

A code unit is a building block of the UTF encodings. Generally, an individual code unit does not represent what's perceived as a full character (a.k.a. a grapheme cluster in Unicode terminology). Many characters are encoded with multiple code units. For example, the UTF-8 code units for ø are 0xC3 0xB8. That means, an individual element of byCodeUnit often does not form a character on its own. Attempting to treat it as one while iterating over the resulting range will give nonsensical results.


r R

an input range of characters (including strings) or a type that implicitly converts to a string type.

Return Value

Type: auto

If r is not an auto-decodable string (i.e. a narrow string or a user-defined type that implicits converts to a string type), then r is returned.

Otherwise, r is converted to its corresponding string type (if it's not already a string) and wrapped in a random-access range where the element encoding type of the string (its code unit) is the element type of the range, and that range returned. The range has slicing.

If r is quirky enough to be a struct or class which is an input range of characters on its own (i.e. it has the input range API as member functions), and it's implicitly convertible to a string type, then r is returned, and no implicit conversion takes place.

If r is wrapped in a new range, then that range has a source property for returning the string that's currently contained within that range.


1 import std.range.primitives;
2 import std.traits : isAutodecodableString;
4 auto r = "Hello, World!".byCodeUnit();
5 static assert(hasLength!(typeof(r)));
6 static assert(hasSlicing!(typeof(r)));
7 static assert(isRandomAccessRange!(typeof(r)));
8 static assert(is(ElementType!(typeof(r)) == immutable char));
10 // contrast with the range capabilities of standard strings (with or
11 // without autodecoding enabled).
12 auto s = "Hello, World!";
13 static assert(isBidirectionalRange!(typeof(r)));
14 static if (isAutodecodableString!(typeof(s)))
15 {
16     // with autodecoding enabled, strings are non-random-access ranges of
17     // dchar.
18     static assert(is(ElementType!(typeof(s)) == dchar));
19     static assert(!isRandomAccessRange!(typeof(s)));
20     static assert(!hasSlicing!(typeof(s)));
21     static assert(!hasLength!(typeof(s)));
22 }
23 else
24 {
25     // without autodecoding, strings are normal arrays.
26     static assert(is(ElementType!(typeof(s)) == immutable char));
27     static assert(isRandomAccessRange!(typeof(s)));
28     static assert(hasSlicing!(typeof(s)));
29     static assert(hasLength!(typeof(s)));
30 }

byCodeUnit does no Unicode decoding

string noel1 = "noe\u0308l"; // noël using e + combining diaeresis
assert(noel1.byCodeUnit[2] != 'ë');
assert(noel1.byCodeUnit[2] == 'e');

string noel2 = "no\u00EBl"; // noël using a precomposed ë character
// Because string is UTF-8, the code unit at index 2 is just
// the first of a sequence that encodes 'ë'
assert(noel2.byCodeUnit[2] != 'ë');

byCodeUnit exposes a source property when wrapping narrow strings.

1 import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
2 import std.range : popFrontN;
3 import std.traits : isAutodecodableString;
4 {
5     auto range = byCodeUnit("hello world");
6     range.popFrontN(3);
7     assert(equal(, "lo world"));
8     static if (isAutodecodableString!string) // only enabled with autodecoding
9     {
10         string str = range.source;
11         assert(str == "lo world");
12     }
13 }
14 // source only exists if the range was wrapped
15 {
16     auto range = byCodeUnit("hello world"d);
17     static assert(!__traits(compiles, range.source));
18 }

See Also

Refer to the std.uni docs for a reference on Unicode terminology.

For a range that iterates by grapheme cluster (written character) see std.uni.byGrapheme.


Suggestion Box / Bug Report