
Allows user code to define custom floating-point formats. These formats are for storage only; all operations on them are performed by first implicitly extracting them to real first. After the operation is completed the result can be stored in a custom floating-point value via assignment.

  1. template CustomFloat(uint bits)
    template CustomFloat (
    uint bits
    ) if (
    bits == 8 ||
    bits == 16
    bits == 32
    bits == 64
    bits == 80
    ) {}
  2. template CustomFloat(uint precision, uint exponentWidth, CustomFloatFlags flags =
  3. struct CustomFloat(uint precision, uint exponentWidth, CustomFloatFlags flags, uint bias)


1 import std.math : sin, cos;
3 // Define a 16-bit floating point values
4 CustomFloat!16                                x;     // Using the number of bits
5 CustomFloat!(10, 5)                           y;     // Using the precision and exponent width
6 CustomFloat!(10, 5,     z;     // Using the precision, exponent width and format flags
7 CustomFloat!(10, 5,, 15) w;     // Using the precision, exponent width, format flags and exponent offset bias
9 // Use the 16-bit floats mostly like normal numbers
10 w = x*y - 1;
12 // Functions calls require conversion
13 z = sin(+x)           + cos(+y);                     // Use unary plus to concisely convert to a real
14 z = sin(x.get!float)  + cos(y.get!float);            // Or use get!T
15 z = sin(cast(float) x) + cos(cast(float) y);           // Or use cast(T) to explicitly convert
17 // Define a 8-bit custom float for storing probabilities
18 alias Probability = CustomFloat!(4, 4,^CustomFloatFlags.probability^CustomFloatFlags.signed );
19 auto p = Probability(0.5);


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