
Type constructor for final (aka head-const) variables.

Final variables cannot be directly mutated or rebound, but references reached through the variable are typed with their original mutability. It is equivalent to final variables in D1 and Java, as well as readonly variables in C#.

When T is a const or immutable type, Final aliases to T.

  1. template Final(T)
    template Final (
    ) {}
  2. Final!T makeFinal(T t)



struct Final
Undocumented in source.


Final can be used to create class references which cannot be rebound:

static class A
    int i;

    this(int i) pure nothrow @nogc @safe
        this.i = i;

auto a = makeFinal(new A(42));
assert(a.i == 42);

//a = new A(24); // Reassignment is illegal,
a.i = 24; // But fields are still mutable.

assert(a.i == 24);

Final can also be used to create read-only data fields without using transitive immutability:

static class A
    int i;

    this(int i) pure nothrow @nogc @safe
        this.i = i;

static class B
    Final!A a;

    this(A a) pure nothrow @nogc @safe
        this.a = a; // Construction, thus allowed.

auto b = new B(new A(42));
assert(b.a.i == 42);

// b.a = new A(24); // Reassignment is illegal,
b.a.i = 24; // but `a` is still mutable.

assert(b.a.i == 24);
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