


struct BitmappedBlock(size_t theBlockSize, uint theAlignment = platformAlignment, ParentAllocator = NullAllocator, Flag!"multiblock" f = Yes.multiblock)

BitmappedBlock implements a simple heap consisting of one contiguous area of memory organized in blocks, each of size theBlockSize. A block is a unit of allocation. A bitmap serves as bookkeeping data, more precisely one bit per block indicating whether that block is currently allocated or not.

struct BitmappedBlockWithInternalPointers(size_t theBlockSize, uint theAlignment = platformAlignment, ParentAllocator = NullAllocator)

A BitmappedBlock with additional structure for supporting resolveInternalPointer. To that end, BitmappedBlockWithInternalPointers adds a bitmap (one bit per block) that marks object starts. The bitmap itself has variable size and is allocated together with regular allocations.

struct SharedBitmappedBlock(size_t theBlockSize, uint theAlignment = platformAlignment, ParentAllocator = NullAllocator, Flag!"multiblock" f = Yes.multiblock)

The threadsafe version of the BitmappedBlock. The semantics of the SharedBitmappedBlock are identical to the regular BitmappedBlock.


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