
Arithmetic between VariantN objects and numeric values. All arithmetic operations return a VariantN object typed depending on the types of both values involved. The conversion rules mimic D's built-in rules for arithmetic conversions.

  1. VariantN opBinary(T rhs)
    struct VariantN(size_t maxDataSize, AllowedTypesParam...)
    string op
    T rhs
    if (
    op == "+" ||
    op == "-"
    op == "*"
    op == "/"
    op == "^^"
    op == "%"
    is(typeof(opArithmetic!(T, op)(rhs)))
  2. VariantN opBinary(T rhs)
  3. VariantN opBinary(T rhs)
  4. VariantN opBinaryRight(T lhs)
  5. VariantN opBinaryRight(T lhs)
  6. VariantN opOpAssign(T rhs)


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