
Returns true if and only if T's representation includes at least one of the following:

  1. a raw pointer U* and U is not immutable;
  2. an array U[] and U is not immutable;
  3. a reference to a class or interface type C and C is not immutable.
  4. an associative array that is not immutable.
  5. a delegate.
template hasAliasing (
) {
enum hasAliasing;


struct S1 { int a; Object b; }
struct S2 { string a; }
struct S3 { int a; immutable Object b; }
struct S4 { float[3] vals; }
static assert( hasAliasing!S1);
static assert(!hasAliasing!S2);
static assert(!hasAliasing!S3);
static assert(!hasAliasing!S4);


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