1 /**
2 This module provides a `BinaryHeap` (aka priority queue)
3 adaptor that makes a binary heap out of any user-provided random-access range.
5 This module is a submodule of $(MREF std, container).
7 Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/container/binaryheap.d)
9 Copyright: 2010- Andrei Alexandrescu. All rights reserved by the respective holders.
11 License: Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
12 (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at $(HTTP
13 boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)).
15 Authors: $(HTTP erdani.com, Andrei Alexandrescu)
16 */
17 module std.container.binaryheap;
19 import std.range.primitives;
20 import std.traits;
22 public import std.container.util;
24 ///
25 @system unittest
26 {
27     import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
28     import std.range : take;
29     auto maxHeap = heapify([4, 7, 3, 1, 5]);
30     assert(maxHeap.take(3).equal([7, 5, 4]));
32     auto minHeap = heapify!"a > b"([4, 7, 3, 1, 5]);
33     assert(minHeap.take(3).equal([1, 3, 4]));
34 }
36 // BinaryHeap
37 /**
38 Implements a $(HTTP en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_heap, binary heap)
39 container on top of a given random-access range type (usually $(D
40 T[])) or a random-access container type (usually `Array!T`). The
41 documentation of `BinaryHeap` will refer to the underlying range or
42 container as the $(I store) of the heap.
44 The binary heap induces structure over the underlying store such that
45 accessing the largest element (by using the `front` property) is a
46 $(BIGOH 1) operation and extracting it (by using the $(D
47 removeFront()) method) is done fast in $(BIGOH log n) time.
49 If `less` is the less-than operator, which is the default option,
50 then `BinaryHeap` defines a so-called max-heap that optimizes
51 extraction of the $(I largest) elements. To define a min-heap,
52 instantiate BinaryHeap with $(D "a > b") as its predicate.
54 Simply extracting elements from a `BinaryHeap` container is
55 tantamount to lazily fetching elements of `Store` in descending
56 order. Extracting elements from the `BinaryHeap` to completion
57 leaves the underlying store sorted in ascending order but, again,
58 yields elements in descending order.
60 If `Store` is a range, the `BinaryHeap` cannot grow beyond the
61 size of that range. If `Store` is a container that supports $(D
62 insertBack), the `BinaryHeap` may grow by adding elements to the
63 container.
64      */
65 struct BinaryHeap(Store, alias less = "a < b")
66 if (isRandomAccessRange!(Store) || isRandomAccessRange!(typeof(Store.init[])))
67 {
68     import std.algorithm.comparison : min;
69     import std.algorithm.mutation : move, swapAt;
70     import std.algorithm.sorting : HeapOps;
71     import std.exception : enforce;
72     import std.functional : binaryFun;
73     import std.typecons : RefCounted, RefCountedAutoInitialize;
75     static if (isRandomAccessRange!Store)
76         alias Range = Store;
77     else
78         alias Range = typeof(Store.init[]);
79     alias percolate = HeapOps!(less, Range).percolate;
80     alias buildHeap = HeapOps!(less, Range).buildHeap;
82 // Really weird @@BUG@@: if you comment out the "private:" label below,
83 // std.algorithm can't unittest anymore
84 //private:
86     // The payload includes the support store and the effective length
87     private static struct Data
88     {
89         Store _store;
90         size_t _length;
91     }
92     private RefCounted!(Data, RefCountedAutoInitialize.no) _payload;
93     // Comparison predicate
94     private alias comp = binaryFun!(less);
95     // Convenience accessors
96     private @property ref Store _store()
97     {
98         assert(_payload.refCountedStore.isInitialized,
99                 "BinaryHeap not initialized");
100         return _payload._store;
101     }
102     private @property ref size_t _length()
103     {
104         assert(_payload.refCountedStore.isInitialized,
105                 "BinaryHeap not initialized");
106         return _payload._length;
107     }
109     // Asserts that the heap property is respected.
110     private void assertValid()
111     {
112         debug
113         {
114             import std.conv : to;
115             if (!_payload.refCountedStore.isInitialized) return;
116             if (_length < 2) return;
117             for (size_t n = _length - 1; n >= 1; --n)
118             {
119                 auto parentIdx = (n - 1) / 2;
120                 assert(!comp(_store[parentIdx], _store[n]), to!string(n));
121             }
122         }
123     }
125     // @@@BUG@@@: add private here, std.algorithm doesn't unittest anymore
126     /*private*/ void pop(Store store)
127     {
128         assert(!store.empty, "Cannot pop an empty store.");
129         if (store.length == 1) return;
130         auto t1 = store[].moveFront();
131         auto t2 = store[].moveBack();
132         store.front = move(t2);
133         store.back = move(t1);
134         percolate(store[], 0, store.length - 1);
135     }
137 public:
139     /**
140        Converts the store `s` into a heap. If `initialSize` is
141        specified, only the first `initialSize` elements in `s`
142        are transformed into a heap, after which the heap can grow up
143        to `r.length` (if `Store` is a range) or indefinitely (if
144        `Store` is a container with `insertBack`). Performs
145        $(BIGOH min(r.length, initialSize)) evaluations of `less`.
146      */
147     this(Store s, size_t initialSize = size_t.max)
148     {
149         acquire(s, initialSize);
150     }
152 /**
153 Takes ownership of a store. After this, manipulating `s` may make
154 the heap work incorrectly.
155      */
156     void acquire(Store s, size_t initialSize = size_t.max)
157     {
158         _payload.refCountedStore.ensureInitialized();
159         _store = move(s);
160         _length = min(_store.length, initialSize);
161         if (_length < 2) return;
162         buildHeap(_store[]);
163         assertValid();
164     }
166 /**
167 Takes ownership of a store assuming it already was organized as a
168 heap.
169      */
170     void assume(Store s, size_t initialSize = size_t.max)
171     {
172         _payload.refCountedStore.ensureInitialized();
173         _store = s;
174         _length = min(_store.length, initialSize);
175         assertValid();
176     }
178 /**
179 Clears the heap. Returns the portion of the store from `0` up to
180 `length`, which satisfies the $(LINK2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heap_(data_structure),
181 heap property).
182      */
183     auto release()
184     {
185         if (!_payload.refCountedStore.isInitialized)
186         {
187             return typeof(_store[0 .. _length]).init;
188         }
189         assertValid();
190         auto result = _store[0 .. _length];
191         _payload = _payload.init;
192         return result;
193     }
195 /**
196 Returns `true` if the heap is _empty, `false` otherwise.
197      */
198     @property bool empty()
199     {
200         return !length;
201     }
203 /**
204 Returns a duplicate of the heap. The `dup` method is available only if the
205 underlying store supports it.
206      */
207     static if (is(typeof((Store s) { return s.dup; }(Store.init)) == Store))
208     {
209         @property BinaryHeap dup()
210         {
211             BinaryHeap result;
212             if (!_payload.refCountedStore.isInitialized) return result;
213             result.assume(_store.dup, length);
214             return result;
215         }
216     }
218 /**
219 Returns the _length of the heap.
220      */
221     @property size_t length()
222     {
223         return _payload.refCountedStore.isInitialized ? _length : 0;
224     }
226 /**
227 Returns the _capacity of the heap, which is the length of the
228 underlying store (if the store is a range) or the _capacity of the
229 underlying store (if the store is a container).
230      */
231     @property size_t capacity()
232     {
233         if (!_payload.refCountedStore.isInitialized) return 0;
234         static if (is(typeof(_store.capacity) : size_t))
235         {
236             return _store.capacity;
237         }
238         else
239         {
240             return _store.length;
241         }
242     }
244 /**
245 Returns a copy of the _front of the heap, which is the largest element
246 according to `less`.
247      */
248     @property ElementType!Store front()
249     {
250         enforce(!empty, "Cannot call front on an empty heap.");
251         return _store.front;
252     }
254 /**
255 Clears the heap by detaching it from the underlying store.
256      */
257     void clear()
258     {
259         _payload = _payload.init;
260     }
262 /**
263 Inserts `value` into the store. If the underlying store is a range
264 and $(D length == capacity), throws an exception.
265      */
266     size_t insert(ElementType!Store value)
267     {
268         static if (is(typeof(_store.insertBack(value))))
269         {
270             _payload.refCountedStore.ensureInitialized();
271             if (length == _store.length)
272             {
273                 // reallocate
274                 _store.insertBack(value);
275             }
276             else
277             {
278                 // no reallocation
279                 _store[_length] = value;
280             }
281         }
282         else
283         {
284             import std.traits : isDynamicArray;
285             static if (isDynamicArray!Store)
286             {
287                 if (length == _store.length)
288                     _store.length = (length < 6 ? 8 : length * 3 / 2);
289                 _store[_length] = value;
290             }
291             else
292             {
293                 // can't grow
294                 enforce(length < _store.length,
295                         "Cannot grow a heap created over a range");
296             }
297         }
299         // sink down the element
300         for (size_t n = _length; n; )
301         {
302             auto parentIdx = (n - 1) / 2;
303             if (!comp(_store[parentIdx], _store[n])) break; // done!
304             // must swap and continue
305             _store.swapAt(parentIdx, n);
306             n = parentIdx;
307         }
308         ++_length;
309         debug(BinaryHeap) assertValid();
310         return 1;
311     }
313 /**
314 Removes the largest element from the heap.
315      */
316     void removeFront()
317     {
318         enforce(!empty, "Cannot call removeFront on an empty heap.");
319         if (_length > 1)
320         {
321             auto t1 = _store[].moveFront();
322             auto t2 = _store[].moveAt(_length - 1);
323             _store.front = move(t2);
324             _store[_length - 1] = move(t1);
325         }
326         --_length;
327         percolate(_store[], 0, _length);
328     }
330     /// ditto
331     alias popFront = removeFront;
333 /**
334 Removes the largest element from the heap and returns a copy of
335 it. The element still resides in the heap's store. For performance
336 reasons you may want to use `removeFront` with heaps of objects
337 that are expensive to copy.
338      */
339     ElementType!Store removeAny()
340     {
341         removeFront();
342         return _store[_length];
343     }
345 /**
346 Replaces the largest element in the store with `value`.
347      */
348     void replaceFront(ElementType!Store value)
349     {
350         // must replace the top
351         assert(!empty, "Cannot call replaceFront on an empty heap.");
352         _store.front = value;
353         percolate(_store[], 0, _length);
354         debug(BinaryHeap) assertValid();
355     }
357 /**
358 If the heap has room to grow, inserts `value` into the store and
359 returns `true`. Otherwise, if $(D less(value, front)), calls $(D
360 replaceFront(value)) and returns again `true`. Otherwise, leaves
361 the heap unaffected and returns `false`. This method is useful in
362 scenarios where the smallest `k` elements of a set of candidates
363 must be collected.
364      */
365     bool conditionalInsert(ElementType!Store value)
366     {
367         _payload.refCountedStore.ensureInitialized();
368         if (_length < _store.length)
369         {
370             insert(value);
371             return true;
372         }
374         assert(!_store.empty, "Cannot replace front of an empty heap.");
375         if (!comp(value, _store.front)) return false; // value >= largest
376         _store.front = value;
378         percolate(_store[], 0, _length);
379         debug(BinaryHeap) assertValid();
380         return true;
381     }
383 /**
384 Swapping is allowed if the heap is full. If $(D less(value, front)), the
385 method exchanges store.front and value and returns `true`. Otherwise, it
386 leaves the heap unaffected and returns `false`.
387      */
388     bool conditionalSwap(ref ElementType!Store value)
389     {
390         _payload.refCountedStore.ensureInitialized();
391         assert(_length == _store.length,
392                 "length and number of stored items out of sync");
393         assert(!_store.empty, "Cannot swap front of an empty heap.");
395         if (!comp(value, _store.front)) return false; // value >= largest
397         import std.algorithm.mutation : swap;
398         swap(_store.front, value);
400         percolate(_store[], 0, _length);
401         debug(BinaryHeap) assertValid();
403         return true;
404     }
405 }
407 /// Example from "Introduction to Algorithms" Cormen et al, p 146
408 @system unittest
409 {
410     import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
411     int[] a = [ 4, 1, 3, 2, 16, 9, 10, 14, 8, 7 ];
412     auto h = heapify(a);
413     // largest element
414     assert(h.front == 16);
415     // a has the heap property
416     assert(equal(a, [ 16, 14, 10, 8, 7, 9, 3, 2, 4, 1 ]));
417 }
419 /// `BinaryHeap` implements the standard input range interface, allowing
420 /// lazy iteration of the underlying range in descending order.
421 @system unittest
422 {
423     import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
424     import std.range : take;
425     int[] a = [4, 1, 3, 2, 16, 9, 10, 14, 8, 7];
426     auto top5 = heapify(a).take(5);
427     assert(top5.equal([16, 14, 10, 9, 8]));
428 }
430 /**
431 Convenience function that returns a `BinaryHeap!Store` object
432 initialized with `s` and `initialSize`.
433  */
434 BinaryHeap!(Store, less) heapify(alias less = "a < b", Store)(Store s,
435         size_t initialSize = size_t.max)
436 {
438     return BinaryHeap!(Store, less)(s, initialSize);
439 }
441 ///
442 @system unittest
443 {
444     import std.conv : to;
445     import std.range.primitives;
446     {
447         // example from "Introduction to Algorithms" Cormen et al., p 146
448         int[] a = [ 4, 1, 3, 2, 16, 9, 10, 14, 8, 7 ];
449         auto h = heapify(a);
450         h = heapify!"a < b"(a);
451         assert(h.front == 16);
452         assert(a == [ 16, 14, 10, 8, 7, 9, 3, 2, 4, 1 ]);
453         auto witness = [ 16, 14, 10, 9, 8, 7, 4, 3, 2, 1 ];
454         for (; !h.empty; h.removeFront(), witness.popFront())
455         {
456             assert(!witness.empty);
457             assert(witness.front == h.front);
458         }
459         assert(witness.empty);
460     }
461     {
462         int[] a = [ 4, 1, 3, 2, 16, 9, 10, 14, 8, 7 ];
463         int[] b = new int[a.length];
464         BinaryHeap!(int[]) h = BinaryHeap!(int[])(b, 0);
465         foreach (e; a)
466         {
467             h.insert(e);
468         }
469         assert(b == [ 16, 14, 10, 8, 7, 3, 9, 1, 4, 2 ], to!string(b));
470     }
471 }
473 @system unittest
474 {
475     // Test range interface.
476     import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
477     int[] a = [4, 1, 3, 2, 16, 9, 10, 14, 8, 7];
478     auto h = heapify(a);
479     static assert(isInputRange!(typeof(h)));
480     assert(h.equal([16, 14, 10, 9, 8, 7, 4, 3, 2, 1]));
481 }
483 // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15675
484 @system unittest
485 {
486     import std.container.array : Array;
488     Array!int elements = [1, 2, 10, 12];
489     auto heap = heapify(elements);
490     assert(heap.front == 12);
491 }
493 // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16072
494 @system unittest
495 {
496     auto q = heapify!"a > b"([2, 4, 5]);
497     q.insert(1);
498     q.insert(6);
499     assert(q.front == 1);
501     // test more multiple grows
502     int[] arr;
503     auto r = heapify!"a < b"(arr);
504     foreach (i; 0 .. 100)
505         r.insert(i);
507     assert(r.front == 99);
508 }
510 @system unittest
511 {
512     import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
513     int[] a = [4, 1, 3, 2, 16, 9, 10, 14, 8, 7];
514     auto heap = heapify(a);
515     auto dup = heap.dup();
516     assert(dup.equal([16, 14, 10, 9, 8, 7, 4, 3, 2, 1]));
517 }
519 @safe unittest
520 {
521     static struct StructWithoutDup
522     {
523         int[] a;
524         @disable StructWithoutDup dup();
525         alias a this;
526     }
528     // Assert Binary heap can be created when Store doesn't have dup
529     // if dup is not used.
530     assert(__traits(compiles, ()
531         {
532             auto s = StructWithoutDup([1,2]);
533             auto h = heapify(s);
534         }));
536     // Assert dup can't be used on BinaryHeaps when Store doesn't have dup
537     assert(!__traits(compiles, ()
538         {
539             auto s = StructWithoutDup([1,2]);
540             auto h = heapify(s);
541             h.dup();
542         }));
543 }
545 @safe unittest
546 {
547     static struct StructWithDup
548     {
549         int[] a;
550         StructWithDup dup()
551         {
552             StructWithDup d;
553             return d;
554         }
555         alias a this;
556     }
558     // Assert dup can be used on BinaryHeaps when Store has dup
559     assert(__traits(compiles, ()
560         {
561             auto s = StructWithDup([1, 2]);
562             auto h = heapify(s);
563             h.dup();
564         }));
565 }
567 @system unittest
568 {
569     import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
570     import std.internal.test.dummyrange;
572     alias RefRange = DummyRange!(ReturnBy.Reference, Length.Yes, RangeType.Random);
574     RefRange a;
575     RefRange b;
576     a.reinit();
577     b.reinit();
579     auto heap = heapify(a);
580     foreach (ref elem; b)
581     {
582         heap.conditionalSwap(elem);
583     }
585     assert(equal(heap, [ 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1]));
586     assert(equal(b, [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]));
587 }
589 // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17314
590 @system unittest
591 {
592     import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
593     int[] a = [5];
594     auto heap = heapify(a);
595     heap.insert(6);
596     assert(equal(heap, [6, 5]));
597 }
Suggestion Box / Bug Report