
Called when |server| receives a WebSocket request. |connection_id| uniquely identifies the connection, |client_address| is the requesting IPv4 or IPv6 client address including port number, and |request| contains the request contents (URL, function, headers and optional POST data). Execute |callback| either synchronously or asynchronously to accept or decline the WebSocket connection. If the request is accepted then OnWebSocketConnected will be called after the WebSocket has connected and incoming messages will be delivered to the OnWebSocketMessage callback. If the request is declined then the client will be disconnected and OnClientDisconnected will be called. Call the

struct cef_server_handler_t
extern (System)
void function(cef_server_handler_t* self, cef_server_t* server, int connection_id, const(cef_string_t)* client_address, cef_request_t* request, cef_callback_t* callback) nothrow on_web_socket_request;

Detailed Description

cef server t

:SendWebSocketMessage function after receiving the OnWebSocketConnected callback to respond with WebSocket messages.

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