
Called when an element has been rendered to the shared texture handle. |type| indicates whether the element is the view or the popup widget. |dirtyRects| contains the set of rectangles in pixel coordinates that need to be repainted. |shared_handle| is the handle for a D3D11 Texture2D that can be accessed via ID3D11Device using the OpenSharedResource function. This function is only called when cef_window_tInfo::shared_texture_enabled is set to true (1), and is currently only supported on Windows.

struct cef_render_handler_t
extern (System)
void function(cef_render_handler_t* self, cef_browser_t* browser, cef_paint_element_type_t type, size_t dirtyRectsCount, const(cef_rect_t)* dirtyRects, void* shared_handle) nothrow on_accelerated_paint;
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