
Open developer tools (DevTools) in its own browser. The DevTools browser will remain associated with this browser. If the DevTools browser is already open then it will be focused, in which case the |windowInfo|, |client| and |settings| parameters will be ignored. If |inspect_element_at| is non-NULL then the element at the specified (x,y) location will be inspected. The |windowInfo| parameter will be ignored if this browser is wrapped in a cef_browser_view_t.

struct cef_browser_host_t
extern (System)
void function(cef_browser_host_t* self, const(cef_window_info_t)* windowInfo, cef_client_t* client, const(cef_browser_settings_t)* settings, const(cef_point_t)* inspect_element_at) nothrow show_dev_tools;
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