
Add an event handler for the ServerCertificateErrorDetected event. The ServerCertificateErrorDetected event is raised when the WebView2 cannot verify server's digital certificate while loading a web page.

This event will raise for all web resources and follows the WebResourceRequested event.

If you don't handle the event, WebView2 will show the default TLS interstitial error page to the user for navigations, and for non-navigations the web request is cancelled.

Note that WebView2 before raising ServerCertificateErrorDetected raises a NavigationCompleted event with IsSuccess as FALSE and any of the below WebErrorStatuses that indicate a certificate failure.


For more details see ICoreWebView2NavigationCompletedEventArgs::get_IsSuccess and handle ServerCertificateErrorDetected event or show the default TLS interstitial error page to the user according to the app needs.

WebView2 caches the response when action is COREWEBVIEW2_SERVER_CERTIFICATE_ERROR_ACTION_ALWAYS_ALLOW for the RequestUri's host and the server certificate in the session and the ServerCertificateErrorDetected event won't be raised again.

To raise the event again you must clear the cache using ClearServerCertificateErrorActions.

\snippet SettingsComponent.cpp ServerCertificateErrorDetected1

interface ICoreWebView2_14
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