DConf online in the works for Nov 21-22, image copy/paste coming to sdpy soon

Posted 2020-07-20

The DConf isn't official yet, but it looks like they are doing do to an online thing around Nov 21 (which happens to be my birthday btw, lol). I have no idea if I'll try to participate or not at this point. Right now, I can't even think of something to write about here, so I don't know what I'd talk about there either!

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What Adam is working on

I finally fixed the bug in minigui where images (and several other things) wouldn't draw correctly inside the tab widget page on Windows. Turns out it was trying to double buffer to an object that never existed for the child window.

Another thing gui related coming down the line soon is copy/paste for images. Right now, simpledisplay has functions for copy/paste clipboard text, and it needs images too. Probably coming later this week.

Otherwise, not much public/open source work from me the last several weeks and that will probably remain for the next couple weeks too unless something cool comes up.