
When creating a window, you can pass a type to SimpleWindow's constructor, then further customize the window by changing WindowFlags.




An ordinary application window.


A generic window without a title bar or border. You can draw on the entire area of the screen it takes up and use it as you wish. Remember that users don't really expect these though, so don't use it where a window of any other type is appropriate.


A window that doesn't actually display on screen. You can use it for cases where you need a dummy window handle to communicate with or something.


A popup menu, such as from a right click


A popup bubble notification


a child nested inside the parent. You must pass a parent window to the ctor


The type you get when you pass in an existing browser handle, which means most of simpledisplay's fancy things will not be done since they were never set up.

Using this to the main SimpleWindow constructor explicitly will trigger an assertion failure; you should use the existing handle constructor.

History: Added November 17, 2022 (previously it would have type normal)

Detailed Description

You should mostly only need normal, undecorated, and eventOnly for normal use. The others are there to build a foundation for a higher level GUI toolkit, but are themselves not as high level as you might think from their names.

This list is based on the EMWH spec for X11.

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