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adrdox skeleton file layout
module adrdox.skeleton

The skeleton file is a html file with two required elements: #page-nav and #page-content. You can put them anywhere and whatever you want around them.

adrdox syntax
module adrdox.syntax

This document describes the syntax recognized by my documentation generator. It uses a hybrid of ddoc and markdown syntax, with some customizations and pre-defined styles I like, while not supporting things I feel aren't worth the hassle.

Tips on using adrdox
  • Always have a package.d for your package, even if it contains no declarations.
  • Always use a module declaration on all modules, and always put a comment on it.
  • Always put a ddoc comment on a public decl, even if it is an empty comment.
  • Want an index.html generated? Run adrdox on a module index; (this is a filthy hack but it works)


module adrdox.highlight


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