
Read line from the file handle and write it to buf[], including terminating character.

This can be faster than line = File.readln() because you can reuse the buffer for each call. Note that reusing the buffer means that you must copy the previous contents if you wish to retain them.

  1. S readln(dchar terminator)
  2. size_t readln(C[] buf, dchar terminator)
  3. size_t readln(C[] buf, R terminator)
    struct File
    ref C[] buf
    if (
    is(Unqual!C == C)
    !is(C == enum)
    is(typeof(terminator.front == dchar.init))


buf C[]

Buffer used to store the resulting line data. buf is enlarged if necessary, then set to the slice exactly containing the line.

terminator R

Line terminator (by default, '\n'). Use std.ascii.newline for portability (unless the file was opened in text mode).

Return Value

Type: size_t

0 for end of file, otherwise number of characters read. The return value will always be equal to buf.length.


StdioException on I/O error, or UnicodeException on Unicode conversion error.


1 // Read lines from `stdin` into a string
2 // Ignore lines starting with '#'
3 // Write the string to `stdout`
4 import std.stdio;
6 void main()
7 {
8     string output;
9     char[] buf;
11     while (stdin.readln(buf))
12     {
13         if (buf[0] == '#')
14             continue;
16         output ~= buf;
17     }
19     write(output);
20 }

This method can be more efficient than the one in the previous example because stdin.readln(buf) reuses (if possible) memory allocated for buf, whereas line = stdin.readln() makes a new memory allocation for every line.

For even better performance you can help readln by passing in a large buffer to avoid memory reallocations. This can be done by reusing the largest buffer returned by readln:

1 // Read lines from `stdin` and count words
2 import std.array, std.stdio;
4 void main()
5 {
6     char[] buf;
7     size_t words = 0;
9     while (!stdin.eof)
10     {
11         char[] line = buf;
12         stdin.readln(line);
13         if (line.length > buf.length)
14             buf = line;
16         words += line.split.length;
17     }
19     writeln(words);
20 }

This is actually what byLine does internally, so its usage is recommended if you want to process a complete file.


Suggestion Box / Bug Report