
Create an array of T with length elements using alloc. The array is either default-initialized, filled with copies of init, or initialized with values fetched from range.



element type of the array being created

alloc Allocator

the allocator used for getting memory

length size_t

length of the newly created array

init T

element used for filling the array

Return Value

Type: T[]

The newly-created array, or null if either length was 0 or allocation failed.


The first two overloads throw only if alloc's primitives do. The overloads that involve copy initialization deallocate memory and propagate the exception if the copy operation throws.


1 import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
2 static void test(T)()
3 {
4     T[] a = theAllocator.makeArray!T(2);
5     assert(a.equal([0, 0]));
6     a = theAllocator.makeArray!T(3, 42);
7     assert(a.equal([42, 42, 42]));
8     import std.range : only;
9     a = theAllocator.makeArray!T(only(42, 43, 44));
10     assert(a.equal([42, 43, 44]));
11 }
12 test!int();
13 test!(shared int)();
14 test!(const int)();
15 test!(immutable int)();


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